I can help you unleash your creativity in no time

Hey, I am Gabriela Zamfirov

Before everything I say, I want you to know that I am here to share with you my hardest moment in my life and then my happiest times I’ve ever had. My mission is to show you how making this art turned my life into a life that I enjoy the most now. I will not only show you, but also guide you how to draw with ink and watercolor and how to use it in a relaxing way.

My passion

I have an immense passion for creativity and I love spreading out this wonderful feeling. I’m based in The Netherlands and I used to work as an architect in landscape design area. Back then in my spare time I liked to express my creativity by drawing and sketching. With support from my family and friends, I wanted to grow my audience and share my creations with more people. This is how TulipArt Designs began.

The brand name

As an architect I love drawing buildings in a simple way. Creating stunning building portraits and drawing urban sketches is an amazing way to capture a moment in your mind. Sketching what I see in life or from a photo are two different ways to do that but both are so satisfying.

My other passion is nature. I grew in a small town in Bulgaria surrounded by beautiful mountains. I spent all my childhood in a family home with a big garden full of plants and flowers, but not only that… In summer, there were always home-grown vegetables and fruit and you could eat whatever you like. The most unforgivable memory is the spring when there were so much blooming tulips all over and this is how the name of my small business was born.

Learn with me

I find the teaching process extremely wonderful and I am grateful to share all of my skill with you. What I like the most about it is to see when you improve and get new skills, when you grow and I know I did help you a bit in your own journey.

I love encouraging people to get creative. Creativity is a huge part of my life, not only in a profesinal way, but also in my personal daily bases life. Educating is something I’ve always liked to do, but now I can really improve this and never stop providing you with a great content starting with my online classes and free art tutorials and continuing with books, a membership, workshops and monthly creative packages coming in the future.

Use your favorite art supplies and your journey will become even more relaxing.

There is no perfection in your life and your art,
There is only beauty!

Art is a big part of my life and I will never leave it apart.

My Story

Here is the story why I left my dream job as an architect to become a full time artist. Probably as every architect, I am also quite creative and flexible charectre. I will lie to you but working in architecture design is busy, and it was very stresfull for me, but I could manage everything. I was motivated and enthusiastic and nothing could stop me. Sleepless nights were just normal when I had to finish a project with a strict deadline.

Then everything changed. I became a mom and this is the moment when I didn’t have all the energy that I can spend in my job. Having a newborn was the thing I wanted to do all the time. I guess every mom loves this moment. But as happy as I was I was also so tired so I couldn’t fullfill all the tasks I had at work, at home and for my family. The baby was growing fast as my tiredness :D At some point I was feeling so burnt out so I didn’t want to do anything, I didn’t have any motivation for work, any energy to do whatever I had to do.

This is the moment when I picked up my drawings again and I turned my art into an art therapy. It helped me to put myself together for no time. Just 15 minutes drawing every day was the secret to feel good again. I was drawing on my way to work, I was drawing during nap times, I was drawing before going to sleep and also in the morning. This was my saver! At that moment I left my job and I decided that this is what I want to do for life.

My other dream job was becoming true. Now I want to share with you everything I know about ink and watercolor, I want to help you unleash your creativity, I want to teach you how you can relax while drawing and I want to teach you how to sketch every subject you see around you. So, are you ready?

we can do small steps to save our planet

Made to save the planet and keep the bees happy

My plantable products are made from 100% biodegradable eco-paper embedded with mix of summer flower seeds.

Learn more

Drawing can help me calm down and get the best rest I need.


Most of my artwork is inspired by nature - mountains, plants, trees, leaves, flowers and everything out there that can survive on its own. This is the moment when I came up with the idea that my illustrations can be used in a very environmentally friendly way and everyone who loves spending time in nature - going for hiking, living in the mountains, growing a garden, having lovely flower pots all over the apartment, then they will totally get me.

Plantable Cards and
other sustainable products designed by me

Plantable greeting cards is something that can truly brighten your day or your loved ones and friends days. Something so small in size but so huge in meaning, is my idea of how to keep our nature save, how to make our planet happy and help our bees survive. Learn more about our seeded paper and how to plant the cards here.

All the products have a special and eco-friendly charecter. I think if every one of us do a small thing for the planet and then repeat it maybe every week or every day, this can change a lot. I am absolutely mad when I see what is happening around us and I hope more and more people will care. You probably asking but why do you care so much, Gabriela?

Because, because this is our home and maybe we will not see the end of the world, but our kids or their kids probably will and this makes me extremely sad. Let our kids see the beauty of our planet and let’s do small steps if we can’t do huge once.

If you like my drawings and maybe you want to take action and part of my life mission, the you are absolutely welcome to purchase a product from my store. This way you are helping me grow my small business but also doing something small for our own planet.